We are currently working through some screen resolution issues causing Pizza Runner not to load on the Nexus 6 and some Samsung devices. Stay tuned for an update!
pizza runner
Pizza Runner – Fitness Game released in Google Play Store!
After much wandering and cycling around our local neighbourhoods, attracting odd stares as we stop in the middle of the street to deliver a virtual pizza, we are very pleased to announce the release of Pizza Runner!
Pizza Runner is a virtual pizza delivery game that turns your home into a virtual pizza shop and your neighbours are your customers! Collect ingredients, make your pizzas and then using your phone’s inbuilt GPS and local maps, walk or ride around to make your deliveries. Do it quickly to earn bigger tips from your customers! Cash earned from deliveries will help you to upgrade your shop fittings and grow your business into a pizza empire!
Pizza Runner is a very different type of game to our other releases. We wanted to encourage players to be active and make it fun! The app reminds you to get out there and make your pizza deliveries, tracks your data over time and there are loads of achievements to keep you moving and motivated. Compete against your friends, people in the local area or the whole world via Google+ Leaderboards. We might have even got a little fitter ourselves by testing it out!
A big thanks to our beta testers who helped us immensely by providing valuable feedback to help us improve the game. The game is currently available on Google Play here; https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rubberducksoftware.PizzaRunner
We hope you enjoy Pizza Runner and maybe even get a little bit fitter too!

Pizza Runner Beta Release
Pizza Runner is soon to be released in beta on the Google Play Store. Stay tuned for more info!